If the app shows a loading screen for more than a few seconds check the following:
- is location services (GPS) enabled on the device?
- is your device connected to the internet?
- Does Architecture of Radio have location permissions? - Does Architecture of Radio have network access?
Quit and restart the app.

Common Issues

The app says "No Location" but my device has GPS enabled.

iOS and Android allow you to set Location permissions per app individually. If Architecture of Radio has no permission to access location it won't work, even if your devices GPS is enabled.
A common problem is that users deny location when the app launches for the first time.

The app says "No Connection", but my device is connected to the internet.

Check if the app has access to the internet. iOS and Android allow you to disable Mobile Data per app. Check the device settings to make sure the app has access to the network.

If you are still experiencing issues, please contact: